Radio 92.9: Edgar Singleton talks with Brian Phillips about Merry and Bright: A Transatlantic Twelfth Night
WOSU (October 2023): “Benjamin Bagby Performs Beowulf in WOSU’s Performance Space” by Jennifer Hambrick
Columbus Underground (August 2023): Columbus Makes Art Presents Gretchen Rutz Leist and the Joy of Dabbling in Columbus Music
WOSU (April 2023): “Collaboration joins animation and early music” by Jennifer Hambrick
City Pulse Magazine (3/21/2023): Jim Bates and Tyler Newby Collaborate on a Fascinating Animated Music Event
Columbus Dispatch (Jan. 2023): "The Early Interval to present works composed by Italian nuns" by Peter Tonguette
WOSU (Jan. 2023): “Twelfth Night concerts features music by women from the convents of Italy" by Jennifer Hambrick